
January 15, 2010

Restrict From copying Data to USB Flash Drive

Have you got useful & private data with you, in your PC & don’t want others to copy it while you are not near your PC.

You can restrict users to copy any stuff to USB Flash Drive. Here’s what to do.

Open Registry Editor (Type regedit in RUN (Win Key + R)).

Now, go to:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\Current Control Set\Control\StorageDevicePolicies

If you don’t see StorageDevicePolicies key, just create it (Right-click on Control and creat new key)

Now, create a new Dword value in right side pane named WriteProtect and set its value to 1.

It’s Done!!! Now no one can copy stuff to USB Flash Drive.

To remove the restriction Just Delete The Key StorageDevicePolicies.

*Registry Editor always asks for permission, so only you can make changes to it.
