
January 22, 2010

Disable Thumbnail Preview in Windows 7

Thumbnail Preview: It’s a small window which pops up when you hover on any of the taskbar (Where Start button is located) items.

Well! Why would someone want to disable this feature, so there is no option to disable it, but still if you don’t feel comfortable with it, there is one thing which could be done.

Open Registry Editor by typing regedit in RUN (Win Key + R)

Go to:


In right-side create a DWord value named ExtendedUIHoverTime


Now, set its Base to Decimal and its Value to any large number like 9999999. These are the milliseconds, so you can set any value which suits you.

Ofcourse this is not the best option, but for now, it is the only option.

You might need to logoff or restart Explorer (How to) to view the changes.