
December 19, 2009

Unique way to Minimize & Maximize a window, introduced in Windows 7

It is very obvious that everyone knows how to minimize and maximize a window. Another method to minimize a window is to press Win key + M. It will minimize all the opened windows, or Win key + D. It will show desktop, which will also ultimately minimize all the opened windows.

 Now comes the best part. Windows 7 introduces another method to minimize and maximize the windows opened in background (Window, you are not working on at the moment).

Try to open any program (It might not work on few software) or any explorer window, then open up another explorer window and hold it from the title bar (Where name is mentioned of the opened window), then just move it a little to right, left, right. All the opened windows in the background will minimize leaving the window that you are holding. Repeat the moving step to bring back or maximize those windows back.