
December 17, 2009

Create, Run Command for any Software

Adding applications to the Path

Executing a program by typing a command into the “Run” can be extended to any program. Adding program to the path is described here.

Open Registry Editor and go to,

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths



1. Create a new sub-key (Right-Click on App Paths – New - Key) with the name of the executable file that you wish to add to the path. e .g.,



HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\desiredfile.exe



2. In this new key, add a string variable (Right-Click in right-side pane – New – String Value) named "Path"


Set the value of the path to your new executable file, e.g.,

C:\Program files\Softwarefolder\


3. The new key will already have an empty variable (Default). Edit it to have the string value of entire address of the new program executable, e.g.

C:\Program files\Softwarefolder\desiredfile.exe

You can now enter "desiredfile.exe" into the “Run” to open the program.


 Few Default Run Commands are as Follows:


Paint = mspaint

Notepad = notepad

Remote Desktop Connection = mstsc

Registry Editor = regedit

Adobe Reader = acroRD32

Dreamweaver = dreamweaver

MS Excel = excel

Firefox = firefox

Internet Explorer = iexplore

MS Outlook = outlook

Photoshop = photoshop

MS PowerPoint = powerpnt

Real Player = realplay

Side-Bar = sidebar

WinRAR = winrar

MS Word = winword

Windows Media Player = wmplayer


Doggy said...

Thanks for article. Everytime like to read you.

fakedf said...

Thanks for such a pleasant comment. :)
Keep visiting Techs.