
March 29, 2010

Take Ownership of file, Manually

In Windows Vista and 7, Take Ownership command can be added to right-click context menu, but sometimes it doesn’t work with few files, so it has to be done manually.

Usually this is needed when file is blocked by TrustedInstaller or not owned by user.


Right-Click the file and go to Properties and then Security tab. Now click on Users (YourUsername\Users) under Group or user names:


Now click on Advance and go to Owner Tab and click on edit.


Then click on your user name and press Apply.


Now press ok on two open windows, that only Security Tab is opened. Once more click on Users and this time press Edit.

Once more in new opened window, click on Users and check the full control box and Apply.


Now edit the file as much as you want. :D
March 20, 2010

Reinstalling MSN Live Messenger

To reinstall MSN Live messenger, it has to be uninstalled first, and the right way to uninstall it, is from Add and Remove Programs OR Programs and Features option in Control Panel.

If done that way, there will be no problem at all.

But if you have just entered the Program Files and deleted the MSN Live Messenger folder, you really have messed it up. Not to worry, there’s a solution for that.
While reinstalling it, it would be giving an error that, it is already installed & uninstall it first.

Here’s what to do:

Go to C:\Windows\Installer

*Installer is a hidden folder, so just type the address in the address bar.

Once in this folder, move down, you’ll see few windows installer files.

Look for the ones between sizes 700 – 790kb. Right-Click on that file and go to its properties, then Details tab and look the Subject there.

You have to look for the file with Subject - Windows Live Messenger Setup Package.

Once found, Right-Click on that file and uninstall it.

This is it, now try to install the Live Messenger again & it’ll work.

Trouble shooting MSN Live Messenger…
March 18, 2010

Before Reinstalling Windows

Few files are stored in places which you might miss to see and loose them. Here I’ll identify those places.

Most important is:
(For Vista & 7) C:\Users\YourUserName\

(For XP)             C:\Documents and Settings\YourUserName\

This folder might contain few files which might come in handy, such as Saved game Files, etc.

Under YourUserName there is a hidden folder AppData(for Vista & 7) & Application data(For XP).

What to do after fresh installation (Comming up...)
March 15, 2010

Testing post

This is a testing post.
March 8, 2010

Compress Video to 55% without Damaging the Quality

MKV (Matroska Video) format is the most compressed format of a video file (with best quality, of course).

DivX Converter 7.0 OR 7.2 (Registered)
KMPlayer (to Play the converted file)

Most preferred format for converting is AVI. File will be converted to MKV format. Conversion will take some time, but the video will be compressed to approx. 55% without damaging the quality.

Once DivX Converter is installed, open it & set it to HD 720p, not necessary though.

Now click on View List and add the video file to convert.


Now Select the file and click on modify.


First click on Advance.


Then, change the option Certification Profile to DivX Plus HD Profile.


Once done, you will notice that the estimated file size will be reduced. This will not be the maximum compression, so check the box Limit Filesize to and enter any desired size.


Here, I have set the size to 1mb, but the Estimated File size shows 1.64mb, so to give it some space, make it 2mb.


Press ok & then press CONVERT.

Conversion time will depend upon the file size. Converted files will be saved to C:\Users\Username\Videos\Divx Movies\

 That’s it. Video will be converted to MKV and compressed to approx. 55%.

Use KMPlayer to play the file.

Enjoy! :)
March 6, 2010

Notification area Icon Hider

At times, beside the clock, a lot of icons gather and there is no Arrow Icon to hide them.

It usually gets disabled. It is really simply to enable again, which few people miss the option of.

Go to Control Panel and open Notification Area Icons.

All you have to do is uncheck “Always show all icons and notifications on the taskbar” option & that arrow will be showed.